Something for Every Budget





The benefits of IV therapy is that it delivers the selected nutrients directly into your bloodstream, resulting in quickly felt effects.

  • $299

    This is a coenzyme found in our cells that plays a critical role in enhancing our cognitive function and repairing cell damages, thus improving your overall energy and mood. It has anti-aging properties and fights against fatigue while improving your immune system.

  • $190

    This special blend is the statement of IV therapy and has a unique role of supporting muscle and nerve function as well as increasing energy production. It is the cocktail for the maintenance of your overall health (immune boost and decreased fatigue).

  • $ 190

    It is a special formulation made of multiple rich minerals plus Glutathione that support your immune system, break down some free radicals and help sin the regeneration of some vitamins as well as purifying the body of toxins

  • $150

    This blend of essential minerals is a pick me up that will get you going after an evening out with friends. Can also be use before the fun to prevent hangovers.

  • $ 190

    This cocktail of minerals and antioxidants give your immune system the boost needed for quicker restoration and recovery during illness.

  • $185

    This blend of amino acids will assist you in a quick recovery of a busy and active day. You will feel energized while enjoying the additional benefits of fat burn and a sped up metabolism.

  • $180

    A blend of Glutathione and vitamins that provide a vibrant and youthful life supporting healthy aging and cognitive function that gives you the boost needed for daily activities.

Interested in some savings? Ask about our bundle deal!




 Injections are great alternatives for our busy clients that don’t have the time needed to be in the office for an IV infusion. We offer a variety of them including:

  • This is a combination of zinc, magnesium and glutathione that will help boost your immune system.

  • It is given IM and have same benefit as the IV but just a different delivery mechanism

  • Powerful antioxidant made of amino acid that aids in fighting free radical at its early state preventing any oxidative damage.It is great for boosting your energy and immune system

  • Made of Methylcobalamin, taurine and L-Arginine. This blend support your brain function, improve athletic performance, increased circulation and blood flow, lower blood pressure, and prevent anemia with stimulating production of red blood cells and boost your energy

  • Do you want to fight a cold quicker? This high dose vitamin C will do just that

  • It helps your body to target fat and use it as energy. It improves sleep, mood, lower cholesterol and increases metabolism.

  • A blend of methionine, inositol, choline and Methylcobalamin that help to maintain your energy level while on a low calorie eating plan as well as maintaining mood and brain function.

  • These B-complex cocktails promote energy, support cell health, nerve function, eyesight and digestion.

  • Improve the appearance of your skin and enhance hair and nail growth.



  • 4 weeks injections

    Visit with our Medical provider

    1 free Skinny B12 shot

  • 4 weeks injections

    Visit with our Medical Provider

    1 free B12 injection

  • Visit with our Medical provider

    2 Skinny B12 shots

    2 Lipotrotic shots

    2 Appetite Suppressants

  • 2 skinny B12 shots

    2 Lipotropic shots

    1 Tri-immune

    1 appetite suppressants

    Visit with our Medical Provider

  • 2 Skinny B12 shots

    2 Lipotropic shots

    1 Tri-immune

    1 potent stable probiotic

    1 vitality plus

    1 appetite Suppressant

    Visit with our Medical Provider

Call about our 3 months and 6 months package deals


Functional medicine is not covered by insurance

We accept Medicare and Maryland Physicians for Medical Weight loss

We accept all major credit cards and health saving such as HSA or FSA

You can also make payments using zelle, checks or cash